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Tips for Sticking to Your Daily Healthy Habits

colorful habit tracker
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Choosing and adapting daily healthy habits is a simple process. You already know what

needs to be done, what healthy habits you need to incorporate into your life, and how

they will benefit you.

But when it comes to sticking to those habits and routines, that is

something else entirely.

This is often where the challenging part of developing a healthier lifestyle comes in. It is

the same with every habit you want to add or change in your life; it takes time, patience,

and a few little hacks to stick with them.

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Start Small and Be Realistic

When it comes to establishing new habits, it’s crucial to start small. Don’t overwhelm

yourself with big goals. For instance, if you’re looking to incorporate exercise into your

routine, start with a 10-minute daily walk instead of aiming for an hour at the gym right

away. Setting achievable goals makes it easier to stay on track and gradually build up

your routine.

You will never stick to a habit that is too difficult or takes too long. You also want to

consider the time you have for this new habit, and fit it in your routine where you have

the most time to get it done each time.

The Habit Loop

Create a Habit Loop

A habit loop consists of a cue, routine, and reward. Identify a cue that triggers your

healthy habit, like placing your running shoes next to your bed to prompt a morning jog.

Follow this with the routine, which is the habit itself, and conclude with a reward,

something that gives you immediate gratification.

This could be as simple as a refreshing shower after a workout. The reward reinforces

the habit loop, making it easier to stick to your routine.

Keep a Habit Tracker

Tracking your habits can significantly increase your chances of sticking to them. Use a

habit tracker app or a simple calendar to mark off each day you successfully complete

your habit. This visual representation of your progress is not only motivating but also

provides a sense of accomplishment.

Increase your chance of habits sticking with this journal

Find a Habit Buddy

Having someone to share your journey with can make a world of difference. Find a

friend or family member who has similar goals and motivate each other. Whether it’s a

workout partner or someone to share healthy meal plans with, having that support

system can keep you accountable.

Be Flexible and Kind to Yourself

Life is unpredictable, and there will be days when sticking to your habits feels

impossible. It’s important to be flexible and not too hard on yourself when things don’t

go as planned. If you miss a day, don’t give up. Acknowledge the slip-up and get back

on track the next day. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection.

By starting small, creating a habit loop, tracking your progress, finding a support

system, and being kind to yourself, you can effectively stick to your daily healthy habits.

These habits will eventually become a natural part of your routine, leading to a healthier

and more balanced lifestyle.


The Habit Bible: Atomic Habits by James Clear

The #1 New York Times bestseller. Over 20 million copies sold!

Tiny Changes, Remarkable ResultsThe only Habit book you’ll ever need!

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